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       Brian Uridge 
             Fire Chief


     Assistant Fire Chief


Prairieville Township Fire-EMS

        10115 S. Norris Road

       Delton, Michigan 49046

Fire-EMS Department   
Burn Permit Information Minimize




For Burning Permits Call (269) 205-3208 or Click Barry Central Dispatch Link Above!

See Below for more information on burning!


 For any further, or specific questions please contact an Officer of the

Prairieville Township Fire Department (269)623-2664.



Burning Minimize

For Burning Permits Call (269) 205-3208 or Click Barry Central Dispatch Link Above!


Barry County residents will now need to call, 269-205-3208 daily where a recorded message will advise whether or not open burning is permitted that day. If the message advises that open burning is permitted, leave your name, phone number and address of where,  and what you will be burning. You then may go ahead and burn the following items only; limbs, brush, stumps, evergreen needles, leaves, and/or grass. If the message advises that open burning is NOT permitted that day you will need to call back when weather conditions have changed to obtain a permit.

Once you have decided to burn on a permitted day and have given the proper information to the service line,  YOU must attend to your fire at all times until it is completely extinguished. YOU are responsible for fire, smoke and odors created by your fire. You are responsible for any damage that results from your fire. If your fire gets out of your control immediately call 911 and request your fire departments assistance.

Open Burning Permits only allow for you to burn the following; limbs, brush, stumps, evergreen needles, leaves, and grass. The burning of logs, stumps, trees and brush is NOT allowed within 1400 feet of a city or village under DEQ air quality rules. Michigan air quality and solid waste regulations prohibit open burning that creates smoke or odor nuisances. Open Burning Permits are not required for cooking or recreational camp fires.

The following items can NEVER be burned and you may be fined for doing so; demolition debris, construction materials, automotive parts and household trash that contains plastic, rubber, foam, chemically treated wood, textiles, electronics, chemicals or hazardous materials.

There are several alternative to burning.

Composting yard waste and using leaves for mulch are alternatives to open burning of yard waste. Composting produces valuable soil fertilizer through the natural process of decomposition. Compost piles are simple to begin and maintain, and take up relatively little space. For more information on composting at home contact our county Michigan State University Extension Office at 269-945-1388.

Contact local programs about recycling of plastic, cardboard, paper, metals, etc in your area. Donate reusable items to charitable organizations, families or friends. Dispose of unwanted items in a licensed landfill instead of open burning.

Barry County holds two Household Hazardous Waste, Tires and Medicine Collections each year.  These collections take place in the spring and fall at the Barry County Fairgrounds, 1350 N. M-37.  The collections are sponsored by the Barry County Solid Waste Oversight Committee with support from the Barry County Fair Board, Waste Management, Barry-Eaton District Health Department, Barry County Substance Abuse Task Force, Sheriff’s Department, and Local Pharmacies.

 For any further, or specific questions please contact an Officer of the

Prairieville Township Fire Department (269)623-2664.

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